When I started undertaking credit hire cases in the 1990s, the arguments of the day included…
Category: Enforceability
Misrepresentation and rescission
Misrepresentation arguments could be described in one of my favourite phrases, as the gift that never…
On writing
I enjoy drafting documents, including credit hire agreements for use in credit hire contracts and wider…
A free lunch
Yesterday was handed down judgment in the case of Katherine Ann Irving v Morgan Sindall [2018]…
Keep it simple
Section 151 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, whilst a very useful provision for claimants is…
No insurance ? No MOT ? No problem in 2017?
The common law on the doctrine of illegality as a defence to liability in its various forms changed…
Illiterate clients, free cars, mistake and misrepresentation
Some credit hire claimants are unsophisticated clients. Under cross examination in the witness box, they will…
Third party liabilities and section 152 notices
One of the perennial bugbears of insurance companies is when to their horror, they find they…
No insurance ? No MOT ? No problem
From time to time, claimants in credit hire cases, are found to have been driving their…